Super affiliate system review - moderntech360


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Super affiliate system review

Super affiliate system review

What's going on today I wanted to do a review of the super affiliate system created by John Crestani now for those of you that don't know who John Crestani is he's a pretty popular affiliate marketer that makes like six figures a month doing affiliate marketing and he's got a really unique way of doing it and so he actually teaches that inside the super affiliate system and so I wanted to do a little review on it and tell you guys all about Super affiliate system.

I know from this blog you will literally learn a ton - After reading this article you can actually start.
I wanted to go over what he teaches inside the course so, if you're on a lower budget this is going to be really nice he teaches free traffic methods that can help you generate your first affiliate commission.

He actually has like a little section where he shows you a video and how to get your first Commission within two hours of watching that video so that's super cool and the reason he does that is just to show you that this stuff works and then he also shows you how to scale-free traffic and just keep getting more free traffic  so once it's working you can just keep scaling it up for free

What you are going to learn with this system

He also does paid ads training he goes over YouTube ads, Google Ads, Facebook ads, and native ads which are like banners on websites and he teaches a lot about copywriting because that is one of the most important things in his course a lot of data analysis you know looking at different numbers seeing what's working stuff like that I mean a lot of research like what to research what the data means and stuff like that in the affiliate marketing space so super super cool and then he also does a bunch of mindset training which I really liked because most courses don't do that and I think the mindset is honestly one of the most key thing to having success, if you don't have the right mindset you will not be successful, You will get a bunch of different videos on how to get the right mindset he shows you a bunch of different goal-setting exercises to help you achieve your goals.

And He teaches Google Ads, YouTube ads, Facebook Ads, native ads, and more.
So the things I liked about his course his strategies are very unique, if you guys don't know John, He does affiliate marketing he doesn't use an email list at all and you know if you look around the affiliate marketing space everybody's always saying oh it's all about building that list and so you can retarget blah blah blah and John doesn't do that, but it works insanely well for him because he's got a really good strategy.

So basically what his strategy is he makes pre-sale pages which seems like an article but yeah it has links to the product but it doesn't seem like it's selling somebody if that makes sense so it just seems like a regular article with links to the product and throughout it's informing you about the product and different strategies so it gets cold traffic warmed up really quick without them even knowing they're being sold too right so when they click that link John shows you the certain type of products to promote so people buy right away and so because you don't need an email list this is low budget-friendly like I said he shows you how to do free traffic and you're not going to be having to pay for an email autoresponder which you know if you have a big list that'll save you thousands of dollars right.

one thing I liked is the training modes very thorough and I just really like John as a person I thought he does a great job in his training explaining things and stuff of that nature so really liked that

Another thing he has a 30-day money-back guarantee so for those of you that are maybe kind of questioning you know whether should I join or not there's pretty much no risk because you know if  within 30 days you're like say this isn't for me you get your money back right away no questions asked so there's literally no risk to you and there's also tons of bonuses included which I will talk about on the next slide 

Another thing I really loved is he does weekly webinars for people inside the course so you know not only do you have like a 12-week course you go through but still every single week he's doing webinars and teaching you more and more so the course is literally like never-ending I mean he also updates the course pretty frequently he just rolled out the third whole version of the course super affiliate system 3.0 so super cool really really enjoyed it really thought his strategy was cool because like I said you basically are either running free traffic or paid ads to pre-sell pages and then those pre-sale pages warm up the traffic and then it takes them to the product and then they buy and you make a bunch of money. 

You will get free Bonuses also along with this system

Also the bonuses after this one I just want to give a couple results from this course he has I think it's like three or five seven-figure affiliates from his course so these people have made over a million dollars which is insane because you almost never hear of anything like that like you hear people get good results like oh yeah I make hundred dollars a day from it he's got people making millions and that is insane to me and the course hasn't even been out that long like one or two years maybe so that's insane he's got thousands of people making five and six figures and they now do affiliate marketing full-time and I know that's probably what you guys are looking to do right you know get in that laptop lifestyle be able to kind of work whenever wherever he's got thousands of people being able to do that because of his training. 

And He's also got plenty more thousands of people just making their first affiliate commissions online which I know can be extremely hard for some people I know it was for me and he's able to get people their first Commission.

So he had an amazing result So I was really impressed when I saw good results and so the bonuses that I really liked by joining us course you get nine hundred dollars (900$) in free advertising credit so basically on all the different platforms he teaches he gives you advertising credit so you don't have to spend like money upfront to run ads he's basically giving you money to run for it and he gives nine hundred dollars so that almost covers the cost of the entire course so that is awesome.

He also gives you downloadable presale templates so I know a lot of you guys are probably thinking like I don't know anything about pre-selling or anything like that he gives you the exact templates to use and then you just kind of plug and play based on the product you're selling and those are his templates that he actually uses in his business so they are proven to get results for very high converting. 

He also gives you exclusive access to different high ticket offers that you can promote so by high ticket I mean like you'll get like $500 or more every single commission so you get exclusive access to those which is cool because high-ticket affiliate marketing is really interesting.

He also gives you access to proven ads that you can just copy and paste basically the information about what you're selling in right so its  a really very very good Bonuses so here's what I recommend you do
John's free training even if you have no intention of buying the course or anything checkout its free training you will learn a ton from it and you'll come out of that free training you'll be like wow I can't believe I never thought of this like this is almost revolutionary.

If you are interested in getting the course go ahead and get it. You know people have gotten amazing results and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee right so you got nothing to lose you know if within 30 days you're not getting results or you don't like it you say hey I want my money back money comes back and like I said if you're not interested in buying the course just watch the webinar and you'll learn enough to be able to go out and get results just from watching the webinar so you might as well do it I think it's like an hour and a half about an hour and forty minutes so do it when you have some open time or right now.

That's pretty much my review on it really really enjoyed going through the super affiliate system and the unique strategy it taught and I think it's just a really cool idea that he does you know no email lists straight to pre-sell because that is like true passive like you're not gonna have to send out emails to people every day you basically just turn on your ads and sit back. 

If you guys want to sign up for John's free web class and learn exactly what he does I will have that linked in the below so you guys can check out for yourself and learn a bunch from it.

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